C.L. Wanderings, L.L.C.
Inspiring eco-action, nourishing interconnectedness through images and words
About C.L. Wanderings.
C.L. Wanderings is about global environmental awareness. This website is a platform and opportunity for us to share ideas and information about people and organizations helping to nourish the earth. This site entails a platform for sharing ideas, a blog, and a store to purchase environmentally friendly items that will spread our mission.
Eco-action defined.
Eco-action is any action that a person(s) takes to contribute to the health of our environment and the ultimate healing of the earth.
Eco-action does not have to be big or expensive. For example, if I choose to use reusable grocery bags when shopping, I can reduce plastic consumption by about 300 bags per year…just me! It is so exciting for us to share environmental information and we would love to hear how you and your family participate.
Share your eco-actions or read what others are doing here:
Eco-Action Platform
“The vision I have regarding C.L. Wanderings is to spread simple actions we can take today to heal our planet now and protect it for future generations to come.”
— Cindy Leacox
Cindy Leacox
Founder and Photojournalist
Cindy’s Story
Cindy Leacox is an advocate for all things earthly, large and small. She captures the beauty that our planet has to offer and fuels her advocacy through a camera lens and her writings.
Cindy noticed through her travels and interactions with people of various cultures and economic backgrounds a desperate and world wide need for environmental awareness and an educational butterfly effect regarding simple actions people can take to contribute to the healing of our environment. Cindy resolutely decided that she would embark upon a series of eco-actions to do her part in facilitating the butterfly effect.
As a result of Cindy’s awareness, passion, dedication and actions, C.L. Wanderings was founded in 2018 and the company’s vision and mission has been resonating with fellow eco-actors ever since.